
Just had to clean (potentially) bosses feces; please send help

Please all work from home buddies send help! Where do u work and where can I apply??? I (34F) work in a very small office space of 5 ppl (and by small I mean 3 of them are the boss, his wife, and his son). This was a week ago and I went to pee and unfortunately looked at my phone for 2 seconds while I closed the door, looked up to see huge chucks of human feces ON the toilet seat. I now had the choice to leave it and not say anything and have the next person think I did it (and hold the pee I had for 3 hrs), go out blasting and blame the other associate who did not do this or go out accusing my boss or a family member of doing that. WT mother F! Who does that?? So at this point I’m left…

Please all work from home buddies send help! Where do u work and where can I apply???

I (34F) work in a very small office space of 5 ppl (and by small I mean 3 of them are the boss, his wife, and his son). This was a week ago and I went to pee and unfortunately looked at my phone for 2 seconds while I closed the door, looked up to see huge chucks of human feces ON the toilet seat.

I now had the choice to leave it and not say anything and have the next person think I did it (and hold the pee I had for 3 hrs), go out blasting and blame the other associate who did not do this or go out accusing my boss or a family member of doing that. WT mother F! Who does that??

So at this point I’m left to think it’s a power play by the boss or (hopefully) a prank from his son…? WT actual fract dude! Who does this shit?? No one came in and no one but employees are allowed to use the bathroom. Nobody came in that day.

To those wondering i fucking cleaned it cause, according to those who know me, apparently I’m a door mat who didn’t want to be thought of that way.

Please anyone who works from home and thinks their job is hiring send help! At this point I don’t care the pay just help get me out!! I fracking out dude and working in office is disgusting.

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