
Just layed off in Illinois; need tips & tricks on how to ride the unemployment benefits train as long as possible

Hello, fellow anti-work friends! Longtime lurker, first time poster. Just got layed off in Illinois, when our small company got bought out by a bigger one and we got downsized. It doesn’t seem like they’re going to fight us on getting unemployment benefits, so I’m looking to ride this gravy train as long as possible. I’ve never gotten unemployment before – usually rage quit after about three years, it seems like – but I know there are requirements for “actively looking” for work. Wondering how to achieve the requirements without actually fucking up and getting a shitty job. I was making $14.50 an hour, at a desk-type job with pretty specific skills, but it was easy, close to home, and I liked my co-workers. I might be able to get a doctor’s note about not being able to be on my feet for long periods of time, if that would…

Hello, fellow anti-work friends! Longtime lurker, first time poster.

Just got layed off in Illinois, when our small company got bought out by a bigger one and we got downsized. It doesn’t seem like they’re going to fight us on getting unemployment benefits, so I’m looking to ride this gravy train as long as possible. I’ve never gotten unemployment before – usually rage quit after about three years, it seems like – but I know there are requirements for “actively looking” for work. Wondering how to achieve the requirements without actually fucking up and getting a shitty job. I was making $14.50 an hour, at a desk-type job with pretty specific skills, but it was easy, close to home, and I liked my co-workers. I might be able to get a doctor’s note about not being able to be on my feet for long periods of time, if that would help my cause. I legit have bone spurs and other middle-age issues.

Should I dye my hair green? Act weird in interviews? I have no problem with that, and I have decent improv skills and little shame.

Thank you in advance, fellow anti-workers!

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