
Just left my job. Update 1

Last week posted left my job of 12 5 years , toxic boss. Just got new position. Worked out well, new boss is low key and chill. Same salary but better opportunity for bonuses. Heard from my former coworkers, my leaving shook the owners, they have never been nicer and more engaged since i left. At least their lives are better for the short term. My leaving won't ruin the company, but if the woman who does the books leaves for the same reason I left, the company will probably close up. Owners won't be able to replace her quickly and they are older and shaky health, won't be able to work the hours needed to make things work smoothly. She had interviews and used me as a reference and i talked to one prospective employers for her , I'll update if anything happens.

Last week posted left my job of 12 5 years , toxic boss. Just got new position. Worked out well, new boss is low key and chill. Same salary but better opportunity for bonuses. Heard from my former coworkers, my leaving shook the owners, they have never been nicer and more engaged since i left. At least their lives are better for the short term. My leaving won't ruin the company, but if the woman who does the books leaves for the same reason I left, the company will probably close up. Owners won't be able to replace her quickly and they are older and shaky health, won't be able to work the hours needed to make things work smoothly. She had interviews and used me as a reference and i talked to one prospective employers for her , I'll update if anything happens.

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