
Just needing to vent

I hate micromanagers, I hate gaslighters, I hate the supervisor that treats us all like his therapist, I hate that he has no emotional intelligence and overshares about his sex life, I hate the boss that treats her high school employees like therapists and as a place to shit talk her other employees, I hate bosses that refuse to do any level of confrontation so they just gossip or never confront people refusing to do their job, I hate being lied to about health insurance preventing me from getting it, I hate being lied to about what I was being hired for, I hate being pigeonholed into a position I hate, I hate that its a position nobody else wants so I’m assigned to do it every shift, I hate how instead of addressing my problems they try to sate me with telling me I’m leader material and get “promoted”…

I hate micromanagers, I hate gaslighters, I hate the supervisor that treats us all like his therapist, I hate that he has no emotional intelligence and overshares about his sex life, I hate the boss that treats her high school employees like therapists and as a place to shit talk her other employees, I hate bosses that refuse to do any level of confrontation so they just gossip or never confront people refusing to do their job, I hate being lied to about health insurance preventing me from getting it, I hate being lied to about what I was being hired for, I hate being pigeonholed into a position I hate, I hate that its a position nobody else wants so I’m assigned to do it every shift, I hate how instead of addressing my problems they try to sate me with telling me I’m leader material and get “promoted” to supervisor but not to my surprise it changes nothing, I hate that I can’t have productive convos with my boss because anytime we bring something up she shifts the topic or brings something else up unrelated, I hate how everything is falling apart bc the owner doesnt want to spend any money if it doesnt go towards outwards appearance, I hate how other people who are full grown adults and managers cannot clean up after themselves and leave a mess and temperature sensitive perishables out for hours, I hate that our menu makes no sense, I hate the culture of a subservient attitude towards customers thats developed in this industry, I hate that there aee so many health code violations but health inspectors don’t care, I hate that my manager is so cheap we are only allowed to replace the mop heads once a week, I hate that we make our iced lattes with cold brew and not espresso and still have the gall to call them lattes, and I hate that I’m the only gay person at this coffee shop.

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