
Just needing to vent a minute

I work as a Pipefitter helper and I get paid $18 an hour. When I interviewed for this job I told the guy I was interested in welding, as that’s what I went for college for. I already have NCCER core finished, as well as 3 welding tests for 3 of the major processes used, and of course they were all passed. So I’m more than qualified for welding at this shop. Typically you’d get an interview, and do a weld test to prove you can do it. I was NOT offered a test. He offered to give me a chance as a helper. I said okay because he promised I would get the chance during down time to weld and make a test, and upon passing it I would then be promoted to welder. The problem is that that’s not at all what happened. Most of my time is…

I work as a Pipefitter helper and I get paid $18 an hour. When I interviewed for this job I told the guy I was interested in welding, as that’s what I went for college for. I already have NCCER core finished, as well as 3 welding tests for 3 of the major processes used, and of course they were all passed. So I’m more than qualified for welding at this shop. Typically you’d get an interview, and do a weld test to prove you can do it. I was NOT offered a test. He offered to give me a chance as a helper. I said okay because he promised I would get the chance during down time to weld and make a test, and upon passing it I would then be promoted to welder.

The problem is that that’s not at all what happened. Most of my time is spent sitting and waiting for a task. I am basically a “pipe-bitch”, meaning my ENTIRE job is to occasionally get up with the other helper and “hey, move that pipe over here!” Or “cut that pipe to this length”. That is all. If my crews welding dude is welding, I just sit and wait in the in-air conditioned 92 degree heat for 10 hours a day,6 days a week.
What really got me is that I’ve asked 9 times in the last month (when I started and forward to today) for the chance to weld test and I just keep getting ducked. I was told I could when we had downtime (which we already have too much of) and then guess what happened? The shop had TRUE downtime, and he gave a machine to every single person except me. I haven’t worked there long, but goddamn it. I didn’t go to college to sit around and do nothing all day. I wanted to weld. And they aren’t going to give me a shot.

Not to mention they are doing mandatory overtime next month, which is 84 hours a week, 7 days a week, with no days off. I already drive an hour to and from work every day. So really it’s more like 96 hours a week for me. I am aware this may sound alien in a sub where people are anti work, but all I want to do is do the job I trained 2 years for and worked for my qualifications and bought my gear to do. I’m like $3500 in on my gear alone, and instead of using it I’m just being occasionally said “grab that piece of pipe and bring it back”

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