
Just out of curiosity

Hello im posting this as the title says out of cuorisity and a little bit of frustration. So i just wanted to see some opinions and more points of view. Today me M(23) was laid of my work position in a bank i worked in one of the biggest banks in my country in the field of anti money laundry. I was contracted in february in a temporary contract to august with the posibility of extencion. I started with 2 others and a group of 4 others joined a little bit further in march. Out of the six that started me and another person where the only ones that did not get an extencion. I always felt like i never fited in with the group and place im talking about the team that worked there permanent not the ones i started with, and feel like the boss and second boss…

Hello im posting this as the title says out of cuorisity and a little bit of frustration. So i just wanted to see some opinions and more points of view. Today me M(23) was laid of my work position in a bank i worked in one of the biggest banks in my country in the field of anti money laundry. I was contracted in february in a temporary contract to august with the posibility of extencion. I started with 2 others and a group of 4 others joined a little bit further in march. Out of the six that started me and another person where the only ones that did not get an extencion. I always felt like i never fited in with the group and place im talking about the team that worked there permanent not the ones i started with, and feel like the boss and second boss always tried to freeze us by for example plasing us in a total different floor than the rest of the team or just having meetings with them and just telling us afterwards. He was also very little present in our floor and we really never got the chance to get to know the whole team. I specially feel like i was ignored constantly by the full time employees, like when i asked them questions and tried to get to know them they just ignored me and did not really show interest in me. There was also the subject manager that i feel had something against me because everytime i would ask for advice or work realated questions she would always answer vaguely and in an angry disinteressted tone (Wich i dont feel she did with anyone else). There was for example one instance where is asked her to come to my desk for help and she rolled her eyes up and made like a face of disgust. She also always just complained about my performances and always had something to say that i should improve even in my best month in term of cases solved. There are other moments and things but i generally feel like i never got a chance and that they really dint want me there. When i had my Employee talk they told me that they where letting me go because they where not fully satisfied with the quality of my work but i feel like there is more than that and i feel i did a good job since i got comments from other supervisors that tought that. So what are your opinions do you think it was because i underperformed or that it was more?

Ps sorry for the bad english its not my primary lenguage.

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