
Just quit yesterday, mixed feelings

Quit my job yesterday. I worked in the billing department of an elderly health-care related company. Severely understaffed. Corporate recently sold many of it's locations to other companies. Got a new boss a few months ago, and she never seemed willing to train to learn our job. Granted, we didn't have time to train her because we're so backed up on work, but when we scheduled her training, she sat through it then never applied it. Don't even think she's worked a full week in office since she was hired, months ago. Anyway, the new owners we dealt with are impossible nitpicking every little thing, not wanting to pay for anything, wanting to bill customers and credit them. For dollars. We'd send them monthly invoices and still be working through corrections by the time new bill cycle rolls around. And the daily work. We were given the option to work…

Quit my job yesterday. I worked in the billing department of an elderly health-care related company. Severely understaffed. Corporate recently sold many of it's locations to other companies. Got a new boss a few months ago, and she never seemed willing to train to learn our job. Granted, we didn't have time to train her because we're so backed up on work, but when we scheduled her training, she sat through it then never applied it. Don't even think she's worked a full week in office since she was hired, months ago. Anyway, the new owners we dealt with are impossible nitpicking every little thing, not wanting to pay for anything, wanting to bill customers and credit them. For dollars. We'd send them monthly invoices and still be working through corrections by the time new bill cycle rolls around. And the daily work. We were given the option to work OT, so we were, just to try to keep up with workload. The best in the department quit in October, leaving me to be the only one who knows how do the big bills processing at the start of the month. It's brutal. I couldn't fathom going through it another minute. My boss didn't come in yesterday, so before I finished my shift, I typed up a very short resignation letter, and put it in an envelope with my badge and left it on her desk. I have 2 coworkers that I feel awful for. I feel like I did them dirty. But I couldn't do it anymore. If I would have given 2 weeks, it would have been quick get the bills done and sent, and also quick train the boss on what she never took interest in before. Like I said, I couldn't do it anymore. But I can't get over this feeling of betrayal. Luckily my husband has said it's totally fine if I take a month or more to really decompress and relax. So I'm going to try to enjoy the rest of the holiday season. But I have to allow myself to work through what I did to my coworkers. I left them with so much shit…I'm really happy I'm out, though. Thanks for reading.

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