
Just realized this

I just remembered the rhyme: “Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I on company time.” It's insane to think that back in the day a 10 to 1 pay difference was enough to validate slacking off. Now we live in a time where CEOs make 500-1000 times our pay, we can barely make ends meet, and somehow we get yelled at for taking a bathroom break that lasts more than 5 minutes (or one of the other many examples of extremely toxic workplace performance management). Anyway. I'm typing this post while on company time, so take that!

I just remembered the rhyme:

“Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I on company time.”

It's insane to think that back in the day a 10 to 1 pay difference was enough to validate slacking off. Now we live in a time where CEOs make 500-1000 times our pay, we can barely make ends meet, and somehow we get yelled at for taking a bathroom break that lasts more than 5 minutes (or one of the other many examples of extremely toxic workplace performance management).

Anyway. I'm typing this post while on company time, so take that!

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