
Just so Frustrated with the blatant hypocrisy

I was hired at my current place of work about one year ago. I interviewed for an assistant manager position and was told they wanted to have me be on the front desk for a few weeks just to get me used to the system (the assistant manager mostly worked this way anyway in addition to their few extra rolls) so I said sure. I excelled but the manager soon quit after about a month of me working their and we were without a manager for a few months. I reiterated to my regional (who was essentially our manager during that time) I still wanted to be assistant manager like I had applied for and they told me they knew and were just trying to rectify the current situation. Clients love me and while I hate to brag basically constantly tell people how happy they are with me being on…

I was hired at my current place of work about one year ago. I interviewed for an assistant manager position and was told they wanted to have me be on the front desk for a few weeks just to get me used to the system (the assistant manager mostly worked this way anyway in addition to their few extra rolls) so I said sure. I excelled but the manager soon quit after about a month of me working their and we were without a manager for a few months. I reiterated to my regional (who was essentially our manager during that time) I still wanted to be assistant manager like I had applied for and they told me they knew and were just trying to rectify the current situation.

Clients love me and while I hate to brag basically constantly tell people how happy they are with me being on the team. So for a few months, me and another coworker were basically running the place ourselves, organizing schedules and supplies, and so on. Finally, they start interviewing for a new manager and hire this guy a few people had reservations about. I work in a predominately woman-dominated field, which is why I try to be very conscious of my place in that as a man which basically made me “one of the girls” which I was very proud of.

The new manager quickly showed his colors after getting hired. He was an older racist, sexist, bigot who was not shy about expressing those opinions to everyone. He would openly say racist things about employees and customers within earshot and made uncomfortable remarks. He tried acting like we were a boys club me and him and I fervently distanced myself. Thankfully my coworkers knew I wasn't like him.

All the while he basically refused to do his job and the entire time I was telling his boss about how he was doing which was meant with a shocked reaction and telling me they heard similar things from other employees. Well cut to about 6 months later and the situation hasn't changed. He's still making awful comments and the big boss has basically ignored all his issues. And I recently found out through another coworker that I was never getting the assistant position because my sales numbers weren't really what they wanted.

I feel so betrayed because I'm being told I'm not good enough while my manager does nothing but horrible things. I'm actively applying for positions but no job will hire for assistant managers or similar without experience as a MANAGER. HOW DOES THAT MAKE SENSE???? I have a dozen years of experience in different work environments and excelling at them all but because I get cheated out of a position means I have no hope of being more than a receptionist.

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