
Just tired of everything (rant)

So I work in IT and we have this 2 day a week work from home rule, I'm used to a small office with max 3 people or a bigger one with more people but roomy – but in this office i currently work at it's a small office of 6 with the radio on and many virtual meetings and it's extremely overstimulating and overwhelming for me so I don't like going there. I have headphones and mostly listen to underwater noises while I'm there so I don't pick up other people's conversations and moods. I'm currently in my Master Thesis Phase and requested to compensate time for a day that i normally work from home asking if i can work two fridays at 0.5 of the time i will compensate from home since i usually don't work fridays (i work more hours during the week so I can take…

So I work in IT and we have this 2 day a week work from home rule, I'm used to a small office with max 3 people or a bigger one with more people but roomy – but in this office i currently work at it's a small office of 6 with the radio on and many virtual meetings and it's extremely overstimulating and overwhelming for me so I don't like going there.
I have headphones and mostly listen to underwater noises while I'm there so I don't pick up other people's conversations and moods.

I'm currently in my Master Thesis Phase and requested to compensate time for a day that i normally work from home asking if i can work two fridays at 0.5 of the time i will compensate from home since i usually don't work fridays (i work more hours during the week so I can take fridays off)

Apparently now I'm at the top of the list of people who request to work from home (when I've never requested to work from home more than I'm allowed) and need to go to the office for 3 days in a row this week because I would be stretching it otherwise and am not allowed to work from home for more than 2 days.

I'm having half a melt down just thinking about that honestly. 🥲
So tired of this shit. When I travel for work for weeks at a time I also don't complain and also make sacrifices for the company (not going to events due to them changing roll out dates and shi)

My boss is pretty cool but he's just following company policy which is ridiculous because who cares where i work from when there's literally a guy in our team who's there for 10 times a year.

I'm just tired of needing to go i don't want to deal with people so often, i always need to mentally prepare (yes I'm neurodivergent)

Was thinking i could negotiate going once a week but i think i might need to slowly find a place where this isn't an issue at all.

If you made it so far thanks for listening to my lil rant.

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