
Just walked out after six years

I'm just here to vent. Stay and read my story if you want. I've worked for six years at a family-owned Ford dealership as the ISM. I handle the internet and phone leads for the sales department. I love my job, everyone gets along, and I'm paid well. I'm at the ceiling of what I can make in our market but being genrally happy with the enviornment kept me there. Last month we were bought out by a huge auto group that operates fifty-something stores in our area. It was dropped on us suddenly as our owners couldn't talk about the sale. Confrence room full of suits telling us that they bought us because we are successful; the team made it happen and they don't want to change a thing. Just give us more opportunity with more inventory spread through the fifty stores. Seems promising. I have a meeting with…

I'm just here to vent. Stay and read my story if you want.

I've worked for six years at a family-owned Ford dealership as the ISM. I handle the internet and phone leads for the sales department. I love my job, everyone gets along, and I'm paid well. I'm at the ceiling of what I can make in our market but being genrally happy with the enviornment kept me there.

Last month we were bought out by a huge auto group that operates fifty-something stores in our area. It was dropped on us suddenly as our owners couldn't talk about the sale. Confrence room full of suits telling us that they bought us because we are successful; the team made it happen and they don't want to change a thing. Just give us more opportunity with more inventory spread through the fifty stores. Seems promising.

I have a meeting with the president of the company and our new GM. We're going to have so many leads coming in that we will need to hire people under me to handle everything. This is what I wanted! We're breaking through the ceiling!

A week later they take me off the phone leads. Apparently this autogroup doesn't have an internet department and salespeople answer the sales calls. That's half my commission right there. But rest assured, I'm going to have more internet leads shoved at me than I'll know what to do with. I'm going to become more specialized. Fine, looks like I'll make more money.

Nope. 75% of our used leads are from inventory at other stores. We need to build a full deal first, run a credit check, and take a $1,000 deposit to bring the vehicle to our store. That's turning everyone off. So now I'm stuck with ONLY the used leads from our store, and we've got maybe 30 units on the lot. We have a same-brand dealer 45 minutes south with triple the new inventory and they crush us, so we have a garbage new close ration.

Suffice to say, I lost my ass last month. I spoke with the GM two days ago (before my day off) and he planned to meet today to discuss “restructuring” my position. My gf says, that means getting fired.

I come in this morning, every single overnight lead has been assigned to a salesperson and called. I go to my GSM (who has been there six years along with me, fought to get me back when I took a two month hiatus, and I have worked with very closely sharing an office) to ask him what's going one. I'm now off internet leads until they figure out what they're doing with me. WTF? Do I just go home at this point? I dunno man, I don't have answers yet.

So after six years, I just walked out, ten minutes after I punched in. I've got at least ten job apps out. My GSM texted to say our new GM wants to keep me on, but my former position is being eliminated. “Nothing is going to change” my ass.

That's my rant. Thanks for reading.

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