
Just wanted to share my recent interview experience with you guys for some laughs:

Applied for a “Senior Manager” position within a hospitality company. Advertised as 60-70k salary + benefits. I figured it was at a GM level or one step above/below, (wasn’t clear based on ambiguous job title, should’ve been red flag #1 in hindsight). I arrive for the interview and the person who invited me didn’t even show up. I was interviewed by a lower level supervisor (red flag #2). About two minutes into the interview the supervisor tells me that I won’t actually be working in the position I applied for, OR making the wage for that position. Because of their unique “brand culture” this company wanted every employee to work as a minimum wage hourly associate for months before being eligible for promotion. They claimed this was to make sure “everyone knew all operation standards and facets of each individual position.” I asked how long until I would be promoted,…

Applied for a “Senior Manager” position within a hospitality company. Advertised as 60-70k salary + benefits. I figured it was at a GM level or one step above/below, (wasn’t clear based on ambiguous job title, should’ve been red flag #1 in hindsight).

I arrive for the interview and the person who invited me didn’t even show up. I was interviewed by a lower level supervisor (red flag #2).

About two minutes into the interview the supervisor tells me that I won’t actually be working in the position I applied for, OR making the wage for that position. Because of their unique “brand culture” this company wanted every employee to work as a minimum wage hourly associate for months before being eligible for promotion. They claimed this was to make sure “everyone knew all operation standards and facets of each individual position.”

I asked how long until I would be promoted, they said that I would need to work as a base level associate (read: minimum wage neo-feudalist indentured servant), and after 3 months of this I could be eligible to be promoted to shift lead (a whopping $2/hr increase). After prodding even more, it turns out I wouldn’t even have a sliver of a chance of being promoted to the position I originally applied for, FOR TWO YEARS. And that’s only if they approve the promotion (because a corporation would never dangle a livable wage like a carrot on a stick to encourage people to slave away indefinitely ).

I politely told them to screw off after that and left five minutes in.

Don’t let these assholes screw you around.

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