
Karma at its best

Years back, I attended a company awards ceremony with 100 others from around the world. I performed well during the year, and the company felt it would be an honor to have us all come to Florida for a week of training, followed by a night of awards and an open bar. I was allowed to bring a significant other on the last night, so my company flew my mom from the wintery northwest down to Florida for the weekend, which I appreciated. The hotel we were staying at had 2 elevators, and we learned they were painfully slow when trying to accommodate 100 people trying to get to their rooms at the same time. On the last day of training, we were allowed to go to our rooms for a couple of hours before the ceremony dinner. I was in line to get on the elevator as it began…

Years back, I attended a company awards ceremony with 100 others from around the world. I performed well during the year, and the company felt it would be an honor to have us all come to Florida for a week of training, followed by a night of awards and an open bar. I was allowed to bring a significant other on the last night, so my company flew my mom from the wintery northwest down to Florida for the weekend, which I appreciated.

The hotel we were staying at had 2 elevators, and we learned they were painfully slow when trying to accommodate 100 people trying to get to their rooms at the same time. On the last day of training, we were allowed to go to our rooms for a couple of hours before the ceremony dinner. I was in line to get on the elevator as it began to fill up when the president, vice president, and a couple of other high-level managers cut in front of me as the doors were closing. I remember them making some snark comment about why they deserved to get on in front of me. OK, fuck you, and in reality I probably laughed and took the next elevator.

Hours later, I came downstairs to meet my mom, who had just arrived. I was walking back inside the hotel when I saw the president walking towards us. I stopped him to introduce my mom, and he was super rude to us, quite brief, and seemed pretty upset. I shrugged it off, telling my mom I hate my job, and got her checked into her room.

Turns out, the elevator that I didn't get on failed between floors due to the weight of everyone crammed in. And when my mom and I ran into the president of the company, about 2 HOURS LATER(!!), they had just fixed the stalled elevator and let everyone off.

I still chuckle to this day knowing their arrogance caused a fucking nightmare of being trapped in an elevator with about 20 other people for hours in the Florida heat.

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