
Killing us Cortisol. The deficit in basic love, is key to having a surplus of wealth.

First off, I love you guys. Not the leaders or corporations of course but you. The one who suffers so much yet needs such simple basic love to be their foundation of life. If this foundation was provided by our almighty, leaders in this system that we were told was called the American dream, we'd be more like brothers and sisters, and not Red or Blue. I am sorry that a utopia was at our fingertips, yet taken away from us. Our leaders created a party snow globe, called it the American Dream, then walked in, shut door, consumed more than could be renewed and when all was scraps, they reopened the doors to the party. WHY ARE WE REPRODUCING ON THIS SINKING SHIP?! Our leaders, the ones who make money to HELP us, have long abandoned attention to the very essence of a human. In a time where we…

First off, I love you guys. Not the leaders or corporations of course but you. The one who suffers so much yet needs such simple basic love to be their foundation of life. If this foundation was provided by our almighty, leaders in this system that we were told was called the American dream, we'd be more like brothers and sisters, and not Red or Blue. I am sorry that a utopia was at our fingertips, yet taken away from us. Our leaders created a party snow globe, called it the American Dream, then walked in, shut door, consumed more than could be renewed and when all was scraps, they reopened the doors to the party.

Our leaders, the ones who make money to HELP us, have long abandoned attention to the very essence of a human. In a time where we have the VERIFIED KNOWLEDGE that this form of life is fundamentally unhealthy, yet is still systematically forced on us, we are still feeling the sad need to sit in traffic and chase the baby carrot of money that these narcissists dangle in front of us and laugh. The whole thing is undeniably abusive but so effective at hiding behind a hurried schedule that they have us fighting amongst each other on our limited time off from work. These fuckers actually have us thinking we need anti-depressants when issue certainly isn't internal, but external. Forcing a way of life that causes us to abandon our brain's need to for PROPER, CONSISTENT sleep scheduling, yet allowing these hellish working hours to be so abundant and in every street corner is plain madness.

Lack of sleep, lack of free days to just think, lack of the ability to pursue happiness is legitimately killing us! This whole process of having push through and collapse on the weekends or when we get home is causing CORTISOL spikes. The cortisol is putting stress on our hearts, minds and bodies on a daily basis. URINE ANALYSIS SHOWS THE QUALITY OF LIFE. How so? It has been shown that when testing children's urine, we can see which of the kids has been abused at home. The children who were experiencing abuse at home consistently showed high cortisol levels in their urine. Hmm, let's test our workforce's cortisol levels now shall we? What's that, high cortisol? High rates of depression? High rates of suicide? B b b but why?

Government/Corporate(same thing): My thoughts and prayers go out to your loved ones even though this is the result of my narcissism and greed.

To have such knowledge of the damage that is being caused, and still chosing not to change is an every way, shape and form, a hellscape. To inflict harm and make a profit should send us storming our government buildings just like the French Revolution. Yet, the closest thing we got to that here in the US was the fuckin Trumpers storming the capital for their choice, leader not getting the presidency again. What a sick joke. To go from a child, growing up to see all this, I can't help but look at children and feel so terribly bad, I am crushed.

All of those issues are still caused by the worker role that is forced on us in this plane of existence. There is an entire ocean of wealth above this little creek that has trickled down to us, we could have a society focused on arts and living but the damned, worst pieces of shit that run this world want to keep that ocean to themselves. I pray there is a hell, because I know many of us don't deserve, only THE SELECT FEW. The 1% if you will…

Fuck our leaders for passing on their generational trauma and damage onto us.

Dr. Gabor Maté and his brilliant studies of human needs and the conflicting system of abuse is laid bare in his books. Here's just one of them. The Myth of Normal.

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