
Know Your Audience Executives

I just got out of a company townhall for one of the US's largest corporations. It was hosted by the outgoing and incoming presidents of the division. The incoming president just took 3 years off to travel the world and spend time with family. The outgoing president is retiring and the comment was made he'll now have more time to fly his helicopter. Through their eyes, I bet I wouldn't recognize the company they work for, much less the world they live in, and those things are supposedly the same for me and them. I haven't taken much of a vacation in 3 years and I've never even been in a helicopter.

I just got out of a company townhall for one of the US's largest corporations. It was hosted by the outgoing and incoming presidents of the division. The incoming president just took 3 years off to travel the world and spend time with family. The outgoing president is retiring and the comment was made he'll now have more time to fly his helicopter.

Through their eyes, I bet I wouldn't recognize the company they work for, much less the world they live in, and those things are supposedly the same for me and them.

I haven't taken much of a vacation in 3 years and I've never even been in a helicopter.

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