
Labor Day?

Today is Labor Day in the good old U. S. of A. It is supposed to a day where workers are recognized for the fruits of their labor. It is a national holiday. But why on this day are so many people working? I understand that some people in essential services such as hospitals, fire departments, and utilities have to work. Fires and accidents never take a holiday. Patients in medical care still need to be tended. But why are so many other non-essential employers open for business? All the big box hardware stores are open, albeit with reduced hours. I guess they figure that a person just might have an emergency need for a shovel or a bag of mortar. All the fast food places are open just in case a person needs that Big Mac and just can't wait. I'm only naming a few business that are open…

Today is Labor Day in the good old U. S. of A. It is supposed to a day where workers are recognized for the fruits of their labor. It is a national holiday. But why on this day are so many people working?

I understand that some people in essential services such as hospitals, fire departments, and utilities have to work. Fires and accidents never take a holiday. Patients in medical care still need to be tended. But why are so many other non-essential employers open for business?

All the big box hardware stores are open, albeit with reduced hours. I guess they figure that a person just might have an emergency need for a shovel or a bag of mortar. All the fast food places are open just in case a person needs that Big Mac and just can't wait. I'm only naming a few business that are open for business on this day to honor Labor.

I guess that it goes to show you that we here in the good old U.S of A. do not honor Labor, we pay lip service that we do, but in reality we so not. Food for thought.

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