
Laid off after 5 years, not sure how to respond during interviews when asked.

So far only one interviewer but a couple recruiters have asked why. I was honest and said I was let go. They did not accept that it was a business decision on the employers part ( which was the only reason I was given) It was so out of the blue and no performance issues were mentioned. I also asked my higher up for any feedback so I know what not to do in my next role, and they never replied. I belive I was unjustly fired but already signed paperwork waving my right to take legal action to recieve an extended severance. The day I returned the paperwork, they posted my job.

So far only one interviewer but a couple recruiters have asked why. I was honest and said I was let go. They did not accept that it was a business decision on the employers part ( which was the only reason I was given)
It was so out of the blue and no performance issues were mentioned. I also asked my higher up for any feedback so I know what not to do in my next role, and they never replied.
I belive I was unjustly fired but already signed paperwork waving my right to take legal action to recieve an extended severance. The day I returned the paperwork, they posted my job.

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