
Laid off at 5 Months

This seems like yelling into the void. I just know lots of people are going through this. I started back in March. I was sold a bunch of shit and it was all a fucking lie. Things were changing basically from day 1. Never any consistency, never any sort of formal processes in place. Regardless, I push forward and succeed. I’m doing better than the other people who started at a similar time. Everyone had a rough July, but things were changing for the better (or so I thought) and was truly optimistic about August. Have my monthly 1:1 scheduled with my boss on the 1st. Gets changed from 30 minutes to 15. About an hour before I get a text that a coworker was laid off too. I was performing well, following all instruction. I had even built pretty good rapport with my boss. 3 minutes. That’s all I…

This seems like yelling into the void. I just know lots of people are going through this.

I started back in March. I was sold a bunch of shit and it was all a fucking lie.

Things were changing basically from day 1. Never any consistency, never any sort of formal processes in place.

Regardless, I push forward and succeed. I’m doing better than the other people who started at a similar time.

Everyone had a rough July, but things were changing for the better (or so I thought) and was truly optimistic about August.

Have my monthly 1:1 scheduled with my boss on the 1st. Gets changed from 30 minutes to 15. About an hour before I get a text that a coworker was laid off too. I was performing well, following all instruction. I had even built pretty good rapport with my boss.

3 minutes. That’s all I got.

My boss gets on with someone from HR. Don’t really get a chance to speak, reads the script and tries to get off as quickly as possible.

I asked a few questions but realize that nothing matters to them. They were doing this all day and still had more to go. This was transactional.

“This is not performance based. We are reducing our workforce.”

I understand that this happens to a lot of folks and it is still happening. I guess that’s what’s most infuriating. The fucking feeling of powerlessness in it all. I feel for the others out there. I truly do.

To add insult to injury, they kept one of the shittiest people on the team because he is friends with one of the founders. Legitimately a nice guy, has a family, but terrible at his job. Makes the layoff just that much more fucking insulting.

Things are bleak in general right now. I wasn’t feeling great about the world, the future and this country. This type of shit just rubs your face in it.

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