
Laid off today, despite stellar reviews – at least it’s my cake day, so I’ve got that going for me.

Laid off today, right before my son's birthday and Christmas. Just fabulous. I was making a positive impact, my team loved me, great reviews… just cant escape the sweeping tech/biotech layoffs. I wonder if they axed so many people right now so they wouldn't have to pay our salaries for the 5 paid upcoming company holidays? I'll give myself the weekend to pull out of this sad/shame spiral, then start a job hunt … (can I just get a daily root canal instead? ) and finding Healthcare coverage, and filing for unemployment, and trying not to get overwhelmed. BUT my son is happy and healthy, we have a tiny savings so this is not a lose-our-(rented)home emergency, Christmas is coming (at least I have more time to make croissants, cookies, and fudge now?), my husband and I already agreed to pair back spending this holiday, and it's my 9th cakeday.…

Laid off today, right before my son's birthday and Christmas. Just fabulous. I was making a positive impact, my team loved me, great reviews… just cant escape the sweeping tech/biotech layoffs. I wonder if they axed so many people right now so they wouldn't have to pay our salaries for the 5 paid upcoming company holidays?
I'll give myself the weekend to pull out of this sad/shame spiral, then start a job hunt … (can I just get a daily root canal instead? ) and finding Healthcare coverage, and filing for unemployment, and trying not to get overwhelmed.
BUT my son is happy and healthy, we have a tiny savings so this is not a lose-our-(rented)home emergency, Christmas is coming (at least I have more time to make croissants, cookies, and fudge now?), my husband and I already agreed to pair back spending this holiday, and it's my 9th cakeday. We will get through.
Thank you all for being here, and letting me vent. Best wishes for a happy holiday to you all.

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