
Landed an incredible job, would have totally changed my life! Work visa denied.

I applied for a job and after an extensive interview process was offered it. HCOL but post bonuses I probably could have hit 6 figures in my first couple years. The company’s desperate and can’t find someone fit to fill the role. I just finished a traineeship which is very valuable experience to them because they need people who understand the EU ecosystem and I spent a year shadowing the managers of an EU organization. My “unrelated” experience was actually relevant to them. I performed better than many candidates they’ve interviewed over the year+ they’ve been trying to fill the position. They already had an inbox set up for me, assigned me to projects, and covered the cost of a business trip because they wanted me to attend a kick off meeting for one of the projects I was going to be working on so I could meet the partners.…

I applied for a job and after an extensive interview process was offered it. HCOL but post bonuses I probably could have hit 6 figures in my first couple years. The company’s desperate and can’t find someone fit to fill the role. I just finished a traineeship which is very valuable experience to them because they need people who understand the EU ecosystem and I spent a year shadowing the managers of an EU organization. My “unrelated” experience was actually relevant to them. I performed better than many candidates they’ve interviewed over the year+ they’ve been trying to fill the position. They already had an inbox set up for me, assigned me to projects, and covered the cost of a business trip because they wanted me to attend a kick off meeting for one of the projects I was going to be working on so I could meet the partners. All this for the work visa to be denied. According to the Swiss government the role isn’t niche enough to justify hiring a non-EU person even though they’ve been trying and literally cannot fill it despite interviewing many candidates.

I’m totally wrecked. The day after I got the offer I was walking with such a weight off my shoulders because I was staring financial security in the face. I was so excited because it was a huge step up, not only financially but professionally as well. It would’ve been a solid thing on my resume that let me apply elsewhere without the dread of knowing my lack of “real experience” would mean I probably wouldn’t get a call back. I was so excited, also because the job itself was incredibly interesting, would’ve had me doing things that made a difference, would have continued educating me, and allowing me to build new skills I’ve been wanting to develop. I don’t even know what to do now. I’m a big planner and this is something I did not plan for or anticipate happening in any way. I have a lot of other stuff going on right now and having this incredible offer handed to me in a moment I so truly needed it, only to have it ripped away.. I feel hopeless.

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