
Large company I worked for just shutdown our department and laid everyone off.

A big company where I'm from that has 10 big branches specializes in multiple cities selling premium office furniture and sets to organisations, agencies, governmental offices…etc etc. they're like mattress stores, if they sell one or two sets then they've made profit for the next 6 months. A year ago they started and created a new department where they'd sell small accessories, decorations, desk clocks…etc small stuff they can bundle with the big sets or sell individually. me and 4 other people worked in that department for the entire year, the department was created January this year and it was just shutdown and closed on the first week of December. We worked our asses off, made decent sales and were just about to get bigger and more popular but corporate scheduled a meeting a few days ago letting all of us know that they're shutting the department down due to…

A big company where I'm from that has 10 big branches specializes in multiple cities selling premium office furniture and sets to organisations, agencies, governmental offices…etc etc. they're like mattress stores, if they sell one or two sets then they've made profit for the next 6 months.

A year ago they started and created a new department where they'd sell small accessories, decorations, desk clocks…etc small stuff they can bundle with the big sets or sell individually. me and 4 other people worked in that department for the entire year, the department was created January this year and it was just shutdown and closed on the first week of December. We worked our asses off, made decent sales and were just about to get bigger and more popular but corporate scheduled a meeting a few days ago letting all of us know that they're shutting the department down due to “lack of profits and excessive budget spendings” which is complete bullshit by the way, this is a rich company that puts a massive price tag on their expensive furniture sets they profit from, the company isn't in ANY financial danger. They just wanted to cut ties with our department because we were working semi dependably and didn't reply on them and they had a fight with my department manager so they shut us down. Needless to say I'm both relieved I'm outta that hell hole but also sad I need a new job.

Right now I got 2 job offers, I can either work in a retail store specializing in Tech like PC's, smartphones, peripherals…etc etc also there's commission bonus for any sell I make or I can work at my friend's vape shop he offered me a job there. The pay is the same for both jobs and the hours are the same.
If I go to the tech store I'll be on my feet all day cuz I'll be in sales, and if I go to the vape store I'll have it easier but I may get a bit bored but I'll have my friends there we can chill and be ourselves without any management bullshit on our heads.
What should I do?

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