
Last Day July 31st

And I couldn't be happier. I was stuck at a call center job pretty much canceling subscriptions and issuing refunds while praying I don't get a gift card call because there isn't much we can do and the company isn't responsible for third party sellers of their gift cards so you buy one and it's redeemed before you walk out the store, nothing we can do. You can try the place you bought it but no guarantees. Oh and no precautions put in place on large gift card purchases at the stores. In training we were told of a guy who spent 45k on gift cards due to a scam. When asked “well some stores limit the amount you can buy. Why not this time?” I was told “well businesses and educational institutions but lots of gift cards too and some people would rather use a gift card than credit…

And I couldn't be happier. I was stuck at a call center job pretty much canceling subscriptions and issuing refunds while praying I don't get a gift card call because there isn't much we can do and the company isn't responsible for third party sellers of their gift cards so you buy one and it's redeemed before you walk out the store, nothing we can do. You can try the place you bought it but no guarantees. Oh and no precautions put in place on large gift card purchases at the stores. In training we were told of a guy who spent 45k on gift cards due to a scam. When asked “well some stores limit the amount you can buy. Why not this time?” I was told “well businesses and educational institutions but lots of gift cards too and some people would rather use a gift card than credit card to buy a new laptop” so why not limit those high transactions to those accounts? Oh and don't get me started on how they're all about privacy but you could get dinged for being inefficient for verifying everyone.

I have a Bachelor's in Accounting and Enrolled Agent certification. It's insulting and soul sacking to get yelled at by Karen because her crotch goblins spent 1000 bucks in Robux. And I only took this job till my main one kicked in again (which Aug 4th it will) and that was only because my state's boomers cut unemployment to 12 weeks. So I had to take something not knowing when my start date was. If they left it at 26 I wouldn't have thought of applying unless never got called back by now. (Which I get new season starting dates end of June beginning of July)

Oh and sending back equipment is a nightmare. You have to have it picked up. Can't take it to a FedEx drop off. Don't trust you to do that. But the FedEx guy? He's fine. So glad I'm getting out. This company is definitely a “no other options” company. Which was my case because 17.31 is better than what local options pay.

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