
Last Paycheck Advice

I will try to keep things brief and anonymous. Essentially, I quit my job roughly a month ago due to verbal abuse from staff. I have since found a new job, but they are refusing to give me my last check. Every check previous was direct deposit, but this one is a written check. I attempted to go up to the establishment to claim my check, but I was told that a coworker was holding the check. (They are not formally management) I request for the check to be left up front for me to pick up tomorrow, and I arrived the next day to be told that I can only claim my check from the coworker. (This coworker is the one that was the source of the verbal abuse) I attempted to reach out to the manager, but he refuses to speak to me. I can only talk through…

I will try to keep things brief and anonymous. Essentially, I quit my job roughly a month ago due to verbal abuse from staff. I have since found a new job, but they are refusing to give me my last check. Every check previous was direct deposit, but this one is a written check. I attempted to go up to the establishment to claim my check, but I was told that a coworker was holding the check. (They are not formally management) I request for the check to be left up front for me to pick up tomorrow, and I arrived the next day to be told that I can only claim my check from the coworker. (This coworker is the one that was the source of the verbal abuse) I attempted to reach out to the manager, but he refuses to speak to me. I can only talk through a middle man, and I am requested to come via the coworkers hours to pick up the check. There is no other way for me to receive it. Apparently, the justification is that I need to sign a paper formally saying that I quit or something to that effect. This is in the state of Georgia. What is my best course of action?

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