
Last year, my boss made me work during Christmas while COVID positive

Last year, I was scheduled to work during Christmas Eve and Christmas at a call center in San Antonio. I'd just gotten back from attending my cousin's wedding and really wasn't looking forward to missing the Holidays, especially since I was going to be the only one there. While I was working my shift, I get a text from my sister saying she just tested positive for COVID along with the majority of people that attended the wedding. A little rattled, I look up from my phone and at the wall-mounted TV showing the security cam feeds and spot the CEO and COO of the company (it was a small company so seeing the owners on-site was pretty common) packing up to head to DC for the Holidays. I walked out to my car to grab a face mask which prompted a question from the CEO, who always tried to…

Last year, I was scheduled to work during Christmas Eve and Christmas at a call center in San Antonio. I'd just gotten back from attending my cousin's wedding and really wasn't looking forward to missing the Holidays, especially since I was going to be the only one there. While I was working my shift, I get a text from my sister saying she just tested positive for COVID along with the majority of people that attended the wedding.

A little rattled, I look up from my phone and at the wall-mounted TV showing the security cam feeds and spot the CEO and COO of the company (it was a small company so seeing the owners on-site was pretty common) packing up to head to DC for the Holidays. I walked out to my car to grab a face mask which prompted a question from the CEO, who always tried to ingratiate herself with us either by saying hi or engaging in meaningless small talk, while her partner stood by with a blank look on his face. I explained the situation and mentioned that I wasn't able to find any slots to schedule a COVID test this week, fully expecting to either be sent home or told to get a rapid test.

But then the COO stepped in and essentially dismissed everything I said. He started rambling about the weather and how it could explain my symptoms, albeit with none of the qualifications to make that assumption, and made it clear that I was going to work those shifts. I mean, I'm the only one on schedule right? So even if i am positive – which we don't know that I am – its not like I'm going to spread it…right?

Well, I'm not sure if this man forgot how his own company works or if he's just genuinely an exploitative idiot – but an employee typically works up to 12 hours before someone comes in to relieve them for the night shift. And on that particular night, the person responsible for relieving me happened to be an overweight veteran over 50 with just about every complication in the book. Basically the last person you want getting COVID, because he could literally die.

Thankfully it wasn't that serious, although the poor man ended up testing positive the next day and didn't come into work for a full month because he developed bronchitis. I got close to half the workforce sick and we were all out for 2 weeks – leaving a good friend of mine to work 6 consecutive days of 12 hour shifts for no additional compensation.

I got fired the following June. They forced me to come in on my time off to turn in my badge and access card – effectively screwing me out of the 3 weeks of PTO I'd saved up.

I sincerely hope this place burns to the ground.

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