
Last year my team made 80m EUR profit, in comparison to an average team profit if 300k

I've now been asked to make 30% of my team redundant due to cashflow issues – that's 15 people who I'm responsible for.. done nothing wrong and have far exceeded expectations. I've put myself forward as a director for voluntary redundancy in a trade off to save the roles of my team. Its been rejected as they require my skill set and “competency” to drive the “recovery” Wtf

I've now been asked to make 30% of my team redundant due to cashflow issues – that's 15 people who I'm responsible for.. done nothing wrong and have far exceeded expectations.

I've put myself forward as a director for voluntary redundancy in a trade off to save the roles of my team. Its been rejected as they require my skill set and “competency” to drive the “recovery”


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