
Late for work

Almost every single day my boss asks me to come in at an earlier time than I’ve been originally scheduled. The only way I can get to work is taking the bus (not always reliable) or if I’m lucky, I can catch a cab. I am constantly being ostracized for being late, even though they know, I have no means of transportation for myself at the very moment and also, I feel like I should not be responsible for their lack of communication and critical thinking skills if you need me at that time, then schedule me at that time, don’t give me this weeks schedule and have me plan my life around that, only to switch it around and expect me to come in when I’m not supposed to be in yet. I feel like that shouldn’t be my responsibility, and is on them, as employers to deal with…

Almost every single day my boss asks me to come in at an earlier time than I’ve been originally scheduled. The only way I can get to work is taking the bus (not always reliable) or if I’m lucky, I can catch a cab. I am constantly being ostracized for being late, even though they know, I have no means of transportation for myself at the very moment and also, I feel like I should not be responsible for their lack of communication and critical thinking skills if you need me at that time, then schedule me at that time, don’t give me this weeks schedule and have me plan my life around that, only to switch it around and expect me to come in when I’m not supposed to be in yet. I feel like that shouldn’t be my responsibility, and is on them, as employers to deal with their own shitty damn scheduling. It is almost dehumanizing and feels like they are disregarding the fact that I am in fact human and have a life. Is there not some sort of law that employers need to give more of a notice than a few hours of a schedule change? If I’m scheduled at 10, then I am coming in at 10. Period. Sorry I am not always on time for my minimum wage job. Am I in the wrong? I feel like I am going crazy.

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