
late night job searching

I'm feeling incredibly low right now. I'm online at night, basically doom scrolling job sites at this point, for any roles at all. I'm 23, don't have a college education and most of my job history is retail/cashiering with two brief stints at a summer camp and a professional office. All I'm finding is “work in this store, break your back for customers, and appear happy about it” or “driver's license required/xyz certification required/x amount of years required for this role” I'm doing my best to break out of being someone's cashier and right now it feels very hopeless. I want this to be my last holiday season in retail. I am going to continue my education next fall but I've got a while until then and I'd rather be boiled in oil than stay at my current job. I've already been to the psych ward for my mental health…

I'm feeling incredibly low right now. I'm online at night, basically doom scrolling job sites at this point, for any roles at all. I'm 23, don't have a college education and most of my job history is retail/cashiering with two brief stints at a summer camp and a professional office. All I'm finding is “work in this store, break your back for customers, and appear happy about it” or “driver's license required/xyz certification required/x amount of years required for this role” I'm doing my best to break out of being someone's cashier and right now it feels very hopeless. I want this to be my last holiday season in retail.

I am going to continue my education next fall but I've got a while until then and I'd rather be boiled in oil than stay at my current job. I've already been to the psych ward for my mental health twice in the past four years and on god I feel it coming again. Really am trying my best! If anyone else is or has been stuck in this weird transitioning job limbo, what is there to do? (ik, ik, keep going and wishing on a star and stuff, so they say)

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