
Lay me off and then try to hire my recommendation, I don’t think so.

I got laid off in May from Firm A. It sucked. The one other person on the project resigned at the end of April. Even before she gave her notice, we were pulling 50+ hour weeks to meet a firm deadline. I worked 60 and 50+ hours the two previous weeks to my layoff to compensate for the fact that there was only one person on the project instead of two (at least I got overtime). I recommended my friend and former coworker from Firm B to replace the person who was leaving. I admit, I was desperate for help and wouldn't have normally wouldn't have recommended someone come to Firm A, but I knew he was unhappy at Firm B. After my layoff, I got in touch with my old firm and got rehired. Reconnected with my old friend. Turns out he is interviewing with Firm A. Gave him…

I got laid off in May from Firm A. It sucked. The one other person on the project resigned at the end of April. Even before she gave her notice, we were pulling 50+ hour weeks to meet a firm deadline. I worked 60 and 50+ hours the two previous weeks to my layoff to compensate for the fact that there was only one person on the project instead of two (at least I got overtime). I recommended my friend and former coworker from Firm B to replace the person who was leaving. I admit, I was desperate for help and wouldn't have normally wouldn't have recommended someone come to Firm A, but I knew he was unhappy at Firm B.

After my layoff, I got in touch with my old firm and got rehired. Reconnected with my old friend. Turns out he is interviewing with Firm A. Gave him all the details. I don't think he will be going to Firm A.

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