
Leave denied

Sorry I’m advance, this is more of a rant than anything. My wife is 37 weeks pregnant right now and per the doctor could go into labor literally any minute so i followed my supervisors instructions and submitted the leave of absence paper work. This morning i got pulled aside and told it was denied. I’m a star employee, everyone loves me at my job, I never show up late, never had a complaint filed against me, I always do my work, and I’ve literally called in sick like 4 times since I started 10 months ago (which was all of my PTO apparently). I know a company can legally deny a paid leave if you haven’t been working there a whole year or whatever. But a Catholic hospital denying an unpaid paternity leave of absence that was going to be like 6 shifts total is absurd to me. I…

Sorry I’m advance, this is more of a rant than anything. My wife is 37 weeks pregnant right now and per the doctor could go into labor literally any minute so i followed my supervisors instructions and submitted the leave of absence paper work. This morning i got pulled aside and told it was denied. I’m a star employee, everyone loves me at my job, I never show up late, never had a complaint filed against me, I always do my work, and I’ve literally called in sick like 4 times since I started 10 months ago (which was all of my PTO apparently).

I know a company can legally deny a paid leave if you haven’t been working there a whole year or whatever. But a Catholic hospital denying an unpaid paternity leave of absence that was going to be like 6 shifts total is absurd to me. I work 24 hour shifts on an ambulance, so apparently they expect me to just leave my 1 year old alone at home while my wife is alone at the hospital for days at a time ? It’s not like I have time to quit either because he could literally come any second and I’m the only person working between my wife and I.

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