
Leave of Absence legal paperwork is bullshit

Sorry if this is not the right place to post, let me know where I should go instead. An extremely long story short: I loved my job, got a new boss, I like her as a person but as a boss she stressed me out so badly that I stopped eating, stopped taking care of myself, and can only sleep a few hours per night if I’m lucky. I already had been diagnosed with mental health issues, so handling this was difficult and set me back a lot. I became extremely suicidal (still am, right now). I let her and her manager know how I was feeling and that I needed the time off. I was a contracted worker for years, but just recently became an actual employee. I took the LOA, but then found out that since I was considered as a technically new employee, that I was only…

Sorry if this is not the right place to post, let me know where I should go instead.

An extremely long story short: I loved my job, got a new boss, I like her as a person but as a boss she stressed me out so badly that I stopped eating, stopped taking care of myself, and can only sleep a few hours per night if I’m lucky. I already had been diagnosed with mental health issues, so handling this was difficult and set me back a lot. I became extremely suicidal (still am, right now).

I let her and her manager know how I was feeling and that I needed the time off. I was a contracted worker for years, but just recently became an actual employee. I took the LOA, but then found out that since I was considered as a technically new employee, that I was only eligible for short term disability. Because of this, I suddenly had to scramble to get a ton of paperwork signed by a doctor to approve the short term disability.

This has been the worst and most stressful bullshit I have ever tried to accomplish. Counselor visit, doctor visit, being forced by my doctor to go to the emergency room, etc. later, nobody will sign my paperwork due to “liability”. I don’t even know what that means or why it’s so hard to get this paperwork signed. Nobody will help me, they just say they “hope you feel better” or tell me to take care of myself, but they themselves do not want to help me.

What are my options? I’m so sad and angry that not only am I dealing with this, but how many people must kill themselves after being treated the way I have been while already feeling suicidal. The world is so broken, or maybe I’m looking in the wrong places. How can I get what I deserve without fully losing my job? I’m devastated right now and don’t have much energy left to give. My paperwork is due tonight at midnight, and it’s currently 3:30 am and I can’t sleep.

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