
Leaving a toxic project

Venting here: I am in a weird situation. I am 20% on a project from another department and they started showing signs of a toxic work environment. (bad communication, putting people on the spot, inept leadership, favoritism, too much work with too few people, misallocated resources, higher work load etc.). I lost sleep over this many times. Just a few years back I moved out of one job avoiding these situations and this is all over the same bad stuff. Just venting here. ​

Venting here:

I am in a weird situation. I am 20% on a project from another department and they started showing signs of a toxic work environment. (bad communication, putting people on the spot, inept leadership, favoritism, too much work with too few people, misallocated resources, higher work load etc.). I lost sleep over this many times. Just a few years back I moved out of one job avoiding these situations and this is all over the same bad stuff.

Just venting here.


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