
Leaving minimum wage job. Advice appreciated.

Look, I am aware that this subreddit has existed since its inception and have been well aware of scummy business practices that seem to go unnoticed. Recently has been my one year anniversary of working for a fast food company that remains nameless. In the recent months, my pay has increased, thanks to the UK minimum wage increasing a few months ago. However, out of spite, the company I work for has decreased everyone's hours, whilst expecting food to be made at the same rate and quality with decreased complaints. This, obviously is absurd and in no way logical from any angle. Because of the decreased hours, I am now earning less than before the minimum wage increase and have been for the past few months. After a few months of this, I had decided it isn't worth the money or effort to work for a company that clearly does…

Look, I am aware that this subreddit has existed since its inception and have been well aware of scummy business practices that seem to go unnoticed. Recently has been my one year anniversary of working for a fast food company that remains nameless. In the recent months, my pay has increased, thanks to the UK minimum wage increasing a few months ago. However, out of spite, the company I work for has decreased everyone's hours, whilst expecting food to be made at the same rate and quality with decreased complaints. This, obviously is absurd and in no way logical from any angle. Because of the decreased hours, I am now earning less than before the minimum wage increase and have been for the past few months.

After a few months of this, I had decided it isn't worth the money or effort to work for a company that clearly does not care for its workers, as long as food and a brilliant, back bending service is provided to customers.

Don't get me wrong, as a first official job, it's pretty good. Indoors, always warm (by choice or not), friendly staff and you only rarely burn your fingertips.

Fun fact: Due to the hours of all employees being cut, there have been near fist fights between staff members either out of panic or stress and is understandable why. Even managers are effected by this.

I have ultimately decided that I should hand in my two week resignation soon. However, I am also planning to embed a hidden message into the paper I use to write on. I have some ideas already at the bottom of this post, but feel inclined to give your own in a similar fashion. They will be in all caps and somewhat form a sentence. I am thinking of adding multiple sentences or even the r/antiwork URL if decent ideas are provided. Chances are, I am not the only one who had thought of this idea under this nameless fast food company. Some messages are references to things I enjoy.

TLDR version:

I'm quitting my minimum wage job, which has greatly decreased everyone's hours greatly, either in spite of the minimum wage increasing and/or the current global inflation. This made my monthly income go down, even after the wage increase. IK this is a very pitiful way of getting the last laugh; I would like some ideas of some hidden text messages to be sent to the higher ups.

Some ideas I have right now:






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