

I don't know if this is the right sub or not. I have worked at this company for 2.5 years and for a multitude of reasons (lack of training, availability of mentors, human error) they said my work was not good and gave me the option to resign with a severance package that will pay through October 31 (and keep insurance). I talked to a coworker whom I trust and she said it sounds like hush money, as my mentor/supervising person is the “golden child” and the company doesn't want to lose the business they bring in. So they would rather have me leave under these circumstances than put any responsibility or blame on the golden child or the department. That being said, the offer of resigning they made seems like they were trying to be nice (so i can use that in future job interviews) but it feels like…

I don't know if this is the right sub or not. I have worked at this company for 2.5 years and for a multitude of reasons (lack of training, availability of mentors, human error) they said my work was not good and gave me the option to resign with a severance package that will pay through October 31 (and keep insurance). I talked to a coworker whom I trust and she said it sounds like hush money, as my mentor/supervising person is the “golden child” and the company doesn't want to lose the business they bring in. So they would rather have me leave under these circumstances than put any responsibility or blame on the golden child or the department.

That being said, the offer of resigning they made seems like they were trying to be nice (so i can use that in future job interviews) but it feels like they just want me out the door quickly and quietly and the resigning part also gives them cover so other employees won't be concerned.

I'm nervous about finding another job in the next 6 weeks, mostly surrounding health insurance (which I will have as well through Oct 31). I was thinking of countering with that I would resign immediately if the severance package was extended through December 31. Three months is definitely a better cushion as I think I'm going to try and pivot to a slightly different job industry closer to what my academic background is in.

Edit: grammar

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