
Leaving teaching, want a job where I can work on my novel on the job. suggestions?

Hi. Teaching load has increased as the pay remains the lowest in country. My idealism is gone, my energy is flagged, I'm ready to leave after my decade teaching and do something else. My goal is to have a job that doesn't destroy my mental health. I am working on a novel and I would love if I could find a job where I can work on it on the job. I don't care if the pay is low. What kind of position do you think I could get where I can pull off writing on the job? Thanks, y'all.

Hi. Teaching load has increased as the pay remains the lowest in country. My idealism is gone, my energy is flagged, I'm ready to leave after my decade teaching and do something else. My goal is to have a job that doesn't destroy my mental health. I am working on a novel and I would love if I could find a job where I can work on it on the job. I don't care if the pay is low. What kind of position do you think I could get where I can pull off writing on the job? Thanks, y'all.

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