
Leaving without a backup because this isn’t a real job anyway

I recently took a job as a receptionist at a small chiropractic clinic. It's only one doctor that's been in business for 40 years, and originally they said it could be part-time, so I figured it would be easy going for a few months until I move states at the end of this year. I didn't tell them I would be leaving so soon, but figured I would bring it up soon after starting so they would have a decent heads up. Well, it's been a week and the role is… challenging. My boss doesn't know how to do anything involving the front desk, and the person who used to work here quit in May, though they did train me a bit for like three hours on my second day. Now I'm just on my own, expected to figure out several months' worth of backlogged insurance claims and missing patient…

I recently took a job as a receptionist at a small chiropractic clinic. It's only one doctor that's been in business for 40 years, and originally they said it could be part-time, so I figured it would be easy going for a few months until I move states at the end of this year. I didn't tell them I would be leaving so soon, but figured I would bring it up soon after starting so they would have a decent heads up.

Well, it's been a week and the role is… challenging. My boss doesn't know how to do anything involving the front desk, and the person who used to work here quit in May, though they did train me a bit for like three hours on my second day. Now I'm just on my own, expected to figure out several months' worth of backlogged insurance claims and missing patient charts and all manner of shit that I simply don't know how to solve. I've never worked with insurance before, I literally don't even know where to start with half of these issues, and neither does my boss, so I'm trying my best to stay busy with tasks I do know how to do, like cleaning and basic organization.

I've also come to find out that my boss is a quite literal snake oil salesman, hawking everything from overpriced therapies to shady supplements to magic “energized” water. I feel absolutely terrible to even be a part of this operation, taking money from the injured and elderly and asking them to refer their friends.

Beyond that, the pay is pretty much minimum wage for the area and there are no benefits beyond discounted chiropractic care. I could literally be working at any of the fast food joints in this small town and make more, plus there would be coworkers, while here I am alone all day with my idiot boss and no one to share the blame for any shortcomings. I don't know how to get ahead even if I wanted to.

So now I'm quitting, and I gave them two weeks. This came after they placed a paper on my desk for me to sign that included a section on “termination agreement,” stating that I would give eight weeks notice before leaving and be expected to train the next person. I said FUCK THAT and immediately let them know that I appreciate the opportunity but I have other things to do and I must quit.

The only reason I even agreed to two weeks was because they explicitly asked for that during the interview. They accepted my proposed last day, but I'm somehow still expected to unfuck all of this backlog stuff “as best I can” for the next two weeks. I am SERIOUSLY considering just saying “I'm sorry, I actually can't even do the two weeks, please have a check ready for me to pickup or mail it to me, thanks.”

So reddit, what should I do? Just ghost these quacks and put the past behind me, or stick out the two weeks? If I stay, how do I deal with inevitably disappointing them when I can't work the miracles they're requesting? If this role was actually established, I would definitely stay two weeks or even the eight they'd like, but this is an absolute shit show and I want out.

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