
Let go 3 weeks ago. Haven’t had a good night’s sleep since.

Got ambush-terminated about three weeks ago and have been struggling with all the grieving emotions ever since all while trying to keep my life from falling apart financially. It’s hard to concentrate on finding new opportunities because that entire process is incredibly draining and demoralizing when I’m basically running on an empty mental tank already. Plus, it doesn’t help that I work in the entertainment industry, which is in shambles right now with massive layoffs happening left and right. I feel like nobody ever talks about the awful emotional roller coaster this is. You’re just expected to keep going, with everyone giving the not-at-all reassuring “I’m sure you’ll find something soon,” which just rings so hollow. I haven’t had a good night’s sleep this entire time: stress making me want to do more and depression making me feel like it’s never enough. I guess I’m just looking for some internet…

Got ambush-terminated about three weeks ago and have been struggling with all the grieving emotions ever since all while trying to keep my life from falling apart financially. It’s hard to concentrate on finding new opportunities because that entire process is incredibly draining and demoralizing when I’m basically running on an empty mental tank already. Plus, it doesn’t help that I work in the entertainment industry, which is in shambles right now with massive layoffs happening left and right.

I feel like nobody ever talks about the awful emotional roller coaster this is. You’re just expected to keep going, with everyone giving the not-at-all reassuring “I’m sure you’ll find something soon,” which just rings so hollow. I haven’t had a good night’s sleep this entire time: stress making me want to do more and depression making me feel like it’s never enough.

I guess I’m just looking for some internet stranger empathy and maybe some stories to give me a glimmer of hope here. How did any of you who have gone through similar times navigate the mental side of all of this?

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