
Let go after 1.5 years as their most senior employee with no notice.

I’m not really surprised. There’s not just been signs, but lots of patterns. I’m disappointed. Feeling disrespected. Angry. But not shocked. I gave everything I had, worked with integrity and professionalism, and I can walk away with my head held high. But I was let go 16 hours ago (3 hours into my shift) and I am still seething at how it happened. And the excuse given of “it’s because of this one employee who sent this one email the other day” is clearly a cover for a larger issue, there’s too many things not adding up. It seems it was just easier to close down than fix the existing, ongoing issues. But.. they needed me a LOT more than I needed that job, much as I enjoyed it. I’ll be fine, I’ve already landed on my feet. Life moves on, change is inevitable, insert your favorite idiom for “keep…

I’m not really surprised. There’s not just been signs, but lots of patterns. I’m disappointed. Feeling disrespected. Angry. But not shocked. I gave everything I had, worked with integrity and professionalism, and I can walk away with my head held high. But I was let go 16 hours ago (3 hours into my shift) and I am still seething at how it happened. And the excuse given of “it’s because of this one employee who sent this one email the other day” is clearly a cover for a larger issue, there’s too many things not adding up. It seems it was just easier to close down than fix the existing, ongoing issues. But.. they needed me a LOT more than I needed that job, much as I enjoyed it. I’ll be fine, I’ve already landed on my feet. Life moves on, change is inevitable, insert your favorite idiom for “keep shit moving”.

Take your breaks, use your PTO, enjoy your vacations, call out when you’re sick, don’t pick up the phone after hours, don’t leave your work around where it can be copied if it can be avoided. Don’t give them an inch. If they can drop us with no notice, the least we can do as workers is extract every benefit for what it’s worth.

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