
Let me share a tip for y’all

I just got done reading a post here about how some fuck wouldn’t let a pregnant women go home early when she was suffering from early contractions. Outrageous. Let me share one of my tricks. The good ole fake vomit, orange juice and chewed up oat meal. Fucking spew that shit all over them, a desk, the floor, your self. Whatever have you. I don’t think even the vilest of scum would make you stay if you threw up all over the place. Obviously you can’t use this all the time, so keep it in your sleeve of tricks for when you really need it. Much love and sincerely, A man who likes sandals

I just got done reading a post here about how some fuck wouldn’t let a pregnant women go home early when she was suffering from early contractions. Outrageous.

Let me share one of my tricks. The good ole fake vomit, orange juice and chewed up oat meal. Fucking spew that shit all over them, a desk, the floor, your self. Whatever have you. I don’t think even the vilest of scum would make you stay if you threw up all over the place.

Obviously you can’t use this all the time, so keep it in your sleeve of tricks for when you really need it.

Much love and sincerely,

A man who likes sandals

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