
Let’s make capitalism ethical – it’s possible.

We’re all aware that America needs improvement in most business practices. The current state of capitalism does not work for the average American. What can we do to stop this growing issue within our country? Change is possible. America needs more education when it comes to electing its representatives. When it comes to unethical business, it funnels down to who is making the big decisions. What if we elected officials that could make a difference? We just need to make this information more easily accessible to the public. We’re forced to dig for reliable information on our candidates and policies. People use technological advancements to improve their lives. It’s time to use modern technology to tackle the core of society’s biggest problems. We’re completely reinventing the political system by creating a new concept called Digital Politics. Let’s start holding our politicians accountable for their promises. The Future is Now Coalition…

We’re all aware that America needs improvement in most business practices. The current state of capitalism does not work for the average American. What can we do to stop this growing issue within our country?

Change is possible. America needs more education when it comes to electing its representatives. When it comes to unethical business, it funnels down to who is making the big decisions. What if we elected officials that could make a difference? We just need to make this information more easily accessible to the public. We’re forced to dig for reliable information on our candidates and policies.

People use technological advancements to improve their lives. It’s time to use modern technology to tackle the core of society’s biggest problems.

We’re completely reinventing the political system by creating a new concept called Digital Politics. Let’s start holding our politicians accountable for their promises. The Future is Now Coalition is building tools and resources to inform citizens, support candidates, and help eliminate corporate money and influence from our political process.

The FiNC Research Hub and Digital Democracy platform are the tools needed to usher politics into the digital age. The FiNC Research Hub showcases research focusing on current political issues and topics, like economic inequality, capitalism, unethical business practices, and more. Our Digital Democracy (DD) platform will revolutionize political campaigning by bringing the issues to the forefront. Instead of the richest, best-funded candidate holding the megaphone, DD will level the playing field for politicians by providing an equal platform to voice their message to their constituents.

We want to educate voters with facts and close the growing divide between public opinion and government action. Visit our website to learn our full plans to reinvent the wheel:

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