
Let’s talk time theft…

So hypothetically I have been working overtime for years. I love my job but I'm getting burnt out. I have student loans, medical bills, mortgage, and credit debt. If I figure correctly, I can stop working overtime by the time my kid graduates high school (they're an infant). So, I hypothetically* had the thought “what if I had two jobs? But I can't I already have no time as it is.” But then I **hypothetically thought “What if I had two jobs but I was never at the second job?” And if I were to figure out this hypothetical second job that I were hypothetically on the payroll but never actually physically there, I know that would be hypothetically illegal. But in this hypothetical scenario, I would likely only steal time for a few weeks (just enough to knock down just my credit debt because that's actually the big killer…

So hypothetically

I have been working overtime for years. I love my job but I'm getting burnt out. I have student loans, medical bills, mortgage, and credit debt. If I figure correctly, I can stop working overtime by the time my kid graduates high school (they're an infant).

So, I hypothetically* had the thought “what if I had two jobs? But I can't I already have no time as it is.” But then I **hypothetically thought “What if I had two jobs but I was never at the second job?”

And if I were to figure out this hypothetical second job that I were hypothetically on the payroll but never actually physically there, I know that would be hypothetically illegal. But in this hypothetical scenario, I would likely only steal time for a few weeks (just enough to knock down just my credit debt because that's actually the big killer right now).

So if you were to hypothetically steal time from a second job, what job do you think would be best suited get away with it for a month or two?

For some reason I'm thinking some bureaucratic paper pushing job.


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