
Life after being fired

I’ve always had difficulty making friends, and even more difficulty holding onto them. How this translates to the workplace is I tend to keep to myself at first, and it either stays that way because I don’t think we’d get along or I open up a little if I think we will. So what happens when one gets fired? How are you supposed to feel and act if one of your friends gets fired? Do you comfort them, encourage them not to give up? Confront the boss in some way? Or do you distance yourself, for fear of potential repercussions to your own employment or shame for your former coworkers conduct? How about if you’re the one that gets fired? Do you reach out to your former coworkers for support or to just reminisce? Or should you wait and see if they’ll reach out first? Does it mean anything if…

I’ve always had difficulty making friends, and even more difficulty holding onto them. How this translates to the workplace is I tend to keep to myself at first, and it either stays that way because I don’t think we’d get along or I open up a little if I think we will.

So what happens when one gets fired? How are you supposed to feel and act if one of your friends gets fired? Do you comfort them, encourage them not to give up? Confront the boss in some way? Or do you distance yourself, for fear of potential repercussions to your own employment or shame for your former coworkers conduct?

How about if you’re the one that gets fired? Do you reach out to your former coworkers for support or to just reminisce? Or should you wait and see if they’ll reach out first? Does it mean anything if they don’t?

I thought I made friends. But it’s been radio silence since I asked permission to use them as references. Are they giving me time, or are they too embarrassed to contact me further? Am I missed, or have they already moved on? I don’t know the answers, and I’m not sure I want to know.

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