
Life is objectively meaningless

Metaphorically speaking, life is usually compared to the likes of a blank canvas. However, in actuality, life itself is more comparable to that of a reused template, that can either be added on to what was already there or outright destroyed by “free-will.” We can only want and do what we know about or find out about— ones existence and ones knowledge is severely limited to just that despite our connection to our phones, and despite the vastness of what this planet has in store. Everything presented before us is prewritten— we ourselves are not special. One is born into this “life” to be made for society; not for oneself. You were asked what you wanted to be when you grow up many times over because if you do not grow up to be something ideal for society, you become no longer wanted. One becomes ostracized. The aforesaid is not…

Metaphorically speaking, life is usually compared to the likes of a blank canvas. However, in actuality, life itself is more comparable to that of a reused template, that can either be added on to what was already there or outright destroyed by “free-will.” We can only want and do what we know about or find out about— ones existence and ones knowledge is severely limited to just that despite our connection to our phones, and despite the vastness of what this planet has in store. Everything presented before us is prewritten— we ourselves are not special.

One is born into this “life” to be made for society; not for oneself. You were asked what you wanted to be when you grow up many times over because if you do not grow up to be something ideal for society, you become no longer wanted. One becomes ostracized. The aforesaid is not a YOU question, it is a question in regards to how society can benefit from your existence in the near future. You probably went to or are still in school— from K-12– perhaps not, perhaps beyond, to undergo conditioning to be a brainwashed wage-slave; your sole existence accommodates just that— surrounded by stimuli engineered to keep you working, motivated, distracted and “sane.” This said stimuli also keeps you from revolting. They, as in society and those in power, will have you work for the next fifty to sixty years until you die, because by association, you are apart of this collective, reused template of a human, superficial experience.

There are losers who will argue against my points. “That meaning itself, is found when one finds it.”“That when one finds meaning, they attain “meaning.”” Wrong. These said losers either willingly or unwillingly avoid the fact that meaninglessness is a shadow of “meaning” itself {a kind of relationship, or a nexus.} The boomers before us prefer that we live in their pre-owned hell, for the sake of tradition. To keep operations functioning as intended. Albeit, I am only 25, and in that little span of time, I have been able to see this nearly inescapable, pathetic reality for what it truly is: a meretricious experience of meaninglessness.

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