
LinkedIn has become Facebook.

I’m not sure when they made the switch but LinkedIn has become a mirror image of Facebook. It’s just another insufferable online social platform but worse because it’s your colleagues rather than friends and family. Just one kiss-ass after another congratulating each other on just being employed from the looks of it? I received a notification asking me to congratulate someone for having worked at the company for x-number of years. Why? So she can see how many “likes” her colleagues (many of whom don’t know her) give her? It’s exhausting that people fall for this shit.

I’m not sure when they made the switch but LinkedIn has become a mirror image of Facebook. It’s just another insufferable online social platform but worse because it’s your colleagues rather than friends and family. Just one kiss-ass after another congratulating each other on just being employed from the looks of it? I received a notification asking me to congratulate someone for having worked at the company for x-number of years. Why? So she can see how many “likes” her colleagues (many of whom don’t know her) give her? It’s exhausting that people fall for this shit.

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