
Linkedin political posts

I just want to document that on Oct 7th, sitting in the bathtub as I do each morning before work, I first read the news then got on linkedin cause I'm trying to get a better job still. I need to take an aside here and let you know how much I detest linkedin. It's truly the most horrible place on the internet. I am constantly on guard there cause I might see a post from some business owner about what he learned of determination while on a recent vacation and a vein pops in my forhead and then my child grows up fatherless. But I digress. Every 5th post on my feed was “I STAND WITH ISRAEL!”. And I swear to you I said out loud to myself: “You fence sitting, milquetoast ass, safe road taking, generalizing ass, status quo defending, FAKE ASS motherfuckers are going to be taking…

I just want to document that on Oct 7th, sitting in the bathtub as I do each morning before work, I first read the news then got on linkedin cause I'm trying to get a better job still.

I need to take an aside here and let you know how much I detest linkedin. It's truly the most horrible place on the internet. I am constantly on guard there cause I might see a post from some business owner about what he learned of determination while on a recent vacation and a vein pops in my forhead and then my child grows up fatherless. But I digress.

Every 5th post on my feed was “I STAND WITH ISRAEL!”. And I swear to you I said out loud to myself: “You fence sitting, milquetoast ass, safe road taking, generalizing ass, status quo defending, FAKE ASS motherfuckers are going to be taking those posts down so goddamn fast tomorrow when Israel starts leveling apartment buildings and day care centers; and by-god if it wasnt the most accurate call I've ever made in my life.

Tl;dr: linkedin is just a bunch of ass kissing self serving horseshit and its painful to even glimpse; but it did guve me some satisfaction to see how flimsy people's politics are there cause they are paranoid some manager will furrow there brows at them for being honest about anything so they had to scramble to take those israel posts down asap.

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