
Lipstick on a Pig

Literally my former employer is the biggest joke in the world. They changed everyone not in leadership from salaried to hourly shortly before I left (read: rage quit). Before I obtained signatures from my direct reports, I double-checked with my director that they wouldn't cut their hours and they would all remain full-time to stay eligible for benefits. I was told no, there would be no cutting of their hours. The only change was to hourly pay from salaried, the rate would be the same, and they would all still be full-time. Had I needed to sign it, I would have requested that verbiage be in the paperwork, but no one else hesitated in signing it after we explained it to them. THE DAY AFTER I LEFT, one of them texted me that their hours were cut from 40 to THIRTY-NINE. And now they're selling their “early-out Fridays” on socials…

Literally my former employer is the biggest joke in the world.

They changed everyone not in leadership from salaried to hourly shortly before I left (read: rage quit).

Before I obtained signatures from my direct reports, I double-checked with my director that they wouldn't cut their hours and they would all remain full-time to stay eligible for benefits.

I was told no, there would be no cutting of their hours. The only change was to hourly pay from salaried, the rate would be the same, and they would all still be full-time.

Had I needed to sign it, I would have requested that verbiage be in the paperwork, but no one else hesitated in signing it after we explained it to them.

THE DAY AFTER I LEFT, one of them texted me that their hours were cut from 40 to THIRTY-NINE.

And now they're selling their “early-out Fridays” on socials with MEMES! Truly, you can't make this up.

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