
Living Wage & Quality Of LIfe Parameters

Living Wage & Quality Of LIfe Parameters Living Wage: That changes with Inflation to always indicate an actual Living Wage defined by a predetermined quality of life parameters. When any parameter goes up in price, there is an instant equal response to the Minimum Wage. Minimal Housing Standards: Every full time worker should be able to afford to live without roommates. Every full time worker should be able to afford buying at least a 2 bedroom home a half an hour drive away from work. Healthy Diet: A full time worker should be able to afford organic local food. Plus going out to local restaurants a couple times a week. Transportation: Full time workers should be able to afford a low priced new car. When Transportation takes too long, it’s like a tax on the poor! Vacation/Time Off/Work Life Balance: How many days a year should someone work? How much…

Living Wage & Quality Of LIfe

Living Wage: That changes with Inflation to always indicate an actual Living Wage defined by a predetermined quality of life parameters. When any parameter goes up in price, there is an instant equal response to the Minimum Wage.

Minimal Housing Standards: Every full time worker should be able to afford to live without roommates. Every full time worker should be able to afford buying at least a 2 bedroom home a half an hour drive away from work.

Healthy Diet: A full time worker should be able to afford organic local food. Plus going out to local restaurants a couple times a week.

Transportation: Full time workers should be able to afford a low priced new car. When Transportation takes too long, it’s like a tax on the poor!

Vacation/Time Off/Work Life Balance: How many days a year should someone work? How much scheduled time off should they have? How much vacation time should they have? How much sick time should they have? Ideally we should be looking at about 30 hours a week and around 200 days a year of scheduled work. On top of that, they should have Sick & Vacation Time.

Full Time: 28-30 hours a week, anything more than 7 hours a day and or exceeding 28-30 hours a week should be overtime.

Vacation: At least one Vacation per year flying outside of the Country, staying in hotels for a couple of weeks. About 2-3 weeks on top of that to travel their home Country and to find out what it means for them to live!

Retirement: People should be able to retire at an age in which they can still enjoy life. After 55 we should be just doing what we want. If we still want to work, it should mainly be about passing down a lifetime of knowledge & experience!

Healthy Relationships Family, Partner, Friends, Work: Most people have not been taught how to create & maintain Healthy Relationships. We must have time to build and strengthen relationships outside of work.

Stress/Anxiety/Depression: These can be so interlinked they must be taken into account together.

Overall Happiness: A Happiness Index to indicate Overall Happiness must be created. Start with Bhutan and any other current monitors we have.

Fun: What do you want to do for fun? More than TV, an actual Hobby like Yoga or Martial Arts. Something that Teaches you to strive to be better and to look forward to something. Something that creates both short and long term goals.

Fighting For Or Against US: This will give all constituents a clear picture of who is fighting for them or against a good quality of life. If all this is spelled out, we will see who fights for what. Who fights harder at taking things away and who fights harder at giving US what we deserve. (And please let US know before the fight is over! IE [Insert Politicians Name] is fighting against a minimum wage being able to ever purchase a home or go on vacation, call this number (XXX)-XXX-XXXX to let him or her know exactly how you feel about that & if it will affect your vote next election.)

Business Plan Or Welfare Plan?: If a Business Plan is presented to the Government Office that gives out Business Licenses & the Plan does not provide a Living Wage to all Full Time Workers, the Business Plan should be denied! Something to cover up the loophole of not hiring full time Workers must be included! If the Business Plan does not provide a Living Wage, it is not a Business Plan but a Welfare Plan because it will create a need for Welfare. I don’t think companies should be getting these tax breaks but none should be going to companies that do not pay a living wage because they’re already creating a drain on the Government's Finances & the Quality Of Life of US Citizens.

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