
look, commuting may actually be beneficial for us. BUT it’s the cars that are killing us.

I would gladly commute by walking in a beautiful city with proper public transportation and grab a coffee or pastry on the way every now and then. But what these massive companies want us to do is spend thousands a year on a vehicle that plagues our planet and minds with mindless traffic. Not to mention the violent deaths that occur everyday when someone makes the smallest mistake going 70 mph. It's not commuting, it's how we commute. I'm an American, commuting by personal vehicle is one of the worst things we ever normalized for most of the country.

I would gladly commute by walking in a beautiful city with proper public transportation and grab a coffee or pastry on the way every now and then. But what these massive companies want us to do is spend thousands a year on a vehicle that plagues our planet and minds with mindless traffic. Not to mention the violent deaths that occur everyday when someone makes the smallest mistake going 70 mph.

It's not commuting, it's how we commute. I'm an American, commuting by personal vehicle is one of the worst things we ever normalized for most of the country.

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