
Looking back, the only time I have been genuinely happy since leaving school/college 15 years ago, was during the Covid lockdowns…

I'm just not built to be at work man, it makes me depressed as hell, even in jobs I don't hate, and people say being stuck at home would make that even worse, but honestly, during the lockdowns, I was the happiest I have ever been since school age, I looked forward to waking up and wondering what I would do with each day with a kind of excitement… that version of me died as soon as I returned to work and I just felt myself craving those days again today like some kind of nostalgia… I now just want to sleep as soon as I get home, and then hate waking up, I'm just on auto pilot and bored out of my mind with the same old work, eat, sleep days… to the point if I saw on the news now that a meteor was heading to Earth I'd…

I'm just not built to be at work man, it makes me depressed as hell, even in jobs I don't hate, and people say being stuck at home would make that even worse, but honestly, during the lockdowns, I was the happiest I have ever been since school age, I looked forward to waking up and wondering what I would do with each day with a kind of excitement… that version of me died as soon as I returned to work and I just felt myself craving those days again today like some kind of nostalgia…

I now just want to sleep as soon as I get home, and then hate waking up, I'm just on auto pilot and bored out of my mind with the same old work, eat, sleep days… to the point if I saw on the news now that a meteor was heading to Earth I'd be genuinely happy and excited.

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