
Looking for advice (Interviews are stressful but retail is literally Dante’s Inferno)

So, I need advice. I'm currently working in retail but with the holidays coming up I absolutely cannot take another Thanksgiving and Christmas spent dealing with customers and their sheer neediness. I'm stressed, my health has taken a turn for the worse the closer we get to Thanksgiving (for example, my hair is thinning and it makes me even more stress). I'm job hunting and I have two interviews scheduled for this week. One of them is the same old interview stuff, but the other one is technically a part 2. They asked me to come in and work at the office so they can get a better “feel” for me and whether I would be a good fit. The interviewer essentially told me that the company believes in “live training” and while I didn't say it to her, I'm kinda annoyed. I have to use up one of my…

So, I need advice. I'm currently working in retail but with the holidays coming up I absolutely cannot take another Thanksgiving and Christmas spent dealing with customers and their sheer neediness. I'm stressed, my health has taken a turn for the worse the closer we get to Thanksgiving (for example, my hair is thinning and it makes me even more stress). I'm job hunting and I have two interviews scheduled for this week.
One of them is the same old interview stuff, but the other one is technically a part 2. They asked me to come in and work at the office so they can get a better “feel” for me and whether I would be a good fit. The interviewer essentially told me that the company believes in “live training” and while I didn't say it to her, I'm kinda annoyed. I have to use up one of my days off and go to work for someone else and this is after working 10 days straight at my current job. I'm so tempted to just not go through with it because I'm so tired, but I'm afraid doing so will mean passing up on a chance to get out of retail. Looking for any advice.

P.S. – the day will be paid, so I wouldn't be working for free

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