
Looking for low stress work from home jobs that pay decently well

For the last 6 years I’ve been in marketing consulting on the agency side and I am OVER IT. I’ve worked at 4 different agencies and they are all bad— some worse than others, but none are good. I have a massive stress mental breakdown at least once a month. I’m tired of the mental burden of always having deadlines and deliverables in the back of my mind. I’m so exhausted from the mental tax this job takes on me that I have nothing left energy-wise for anything at the end of the day even if I sign off on time at 5pm. I don’t have hobbies outside of work, I barely ever cook, I almost never work out. I feel like all I do is work, eat (usually ordered in or leftovers), sleep, and repeat. Weekends are the only time I feel any relief, and of course they fly…

For the last 6 years I’ve been in marketing consulting on the agency side and I am OVER IT. I’ve worked at 4 different agencies and they are all bad— some worse than others, but none are good. I have a massive stress mental breakdown at least once a month. I’m tired of the mental burden of always having deadlines and deliverables in the back of my mind. I’m so exhausted from the mental tax this job takes on me that I have nothing left energy-wise for anything at the end of the day even if I sign off on time at 5pm. I don’t have hobbies outside of work, I barely ever cook, I almost never work out. I feel like all I do is work, eat (usually ordered in or leftovers), sleep, and repeat. Weekends are the only time I feel any relief, and of course they fly by in a blur.

To top it off, I’m also currently pregnant. My husband has been supportive of me quitting after the baby comes but I still want to contribute some money to our household, I just don’t want a job that sucks away my soul anymore. For reference, I make $100k currently. Im looking for a job that doesn’t require additional education (I have a bachelors in marketing), allows me to work from home, and is low stress. Ideally something that’s a good fit for an introvert who doesn’t want to be in many meetings or calls.

I’d be ok to take a pay cut, I just need some peace in my life. Ideas? I’m located in the US.

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